this month's zoo: this day. this time. this place

it's going to be fun. invite friends and as always, bring your monkeys. (by the way, if you're wondering why this doesn't make sense, it's because I haven't filled it in yet.)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Guess what?! We monkey mamas are so amazing we have women coming all the way up from Utah to be with us... ;)
Actually, we are very lucky. Brynn is coming with all her amazing talent on July 24th and she has a couple cute. cute. cute. (did I mention cute?) things for us to do.
So here is the scoop.

There are 3 options, that's right, 3 different projects. I told you Brynn was amazing. Pick and choose to your liking.

1. Kids Rag Skirt

3/4 inch elastic (measure daughters waist) I usually just buy a yard.
two to three different fabrics 1/2 yard each
thread to match

2. Shirt Dress

Men's dress shirt. make sure the dress shirt that you are using is a little longer than you want it on your girl.
3/8" elastic or 1/2" it's what you prefer. I wouldn't go bigger than 1/2"
Matching thread
Ribbon that you might want to add for fun (this can just be added on top or on the top and bottom)

PLEASE have the pocket and the tags CAREFULLY unpicked before coming so that there is time to work on the dress

3. Adult Jean skirt

I have usually used a pair of jeans that was a little too big for me or fit in the legs but gaped in the back. But your own size would probably work as well. If you don't have any then DI is great for finding some. PLEASE have the jeans unpicked before you come. making the skirt will go quick, but it takes a while to unpick and there won't be enough time for both. Just unpick the whole inseam, (up the inside of the legs, around the crouch, and back down the other leg).

I have also made myself a maternity jean skirt before and LOVED it.

Jeans (Baby does not come with the finished product, must get your own)
navy thread or thread that matches the jeans
jean material from fabric store. About 1/2 yard will work just match it to the jeans, or if it doesn't match make sure it is color that looks good in contrast.

Now, date and time (you just might need that...)
Friday, July 24th
LDS Stake Center
9:30 am - 12:30

BE THERE! You'll be so happy. happy.

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